Zack Poletti is fresh from jail, and because of this he's a changed man... and a lonely one. Left to rot by his dad and older brother, there is only his younger siblings left in the world for him.
But they reject him.
He finds kindness in an unexpected source of a new friend. He also meets this friend's sister and he starts to feel big, new things about her.
But like so much in his life, he messes that up too.
Eliana Hayes had high expectations of her time with Zack to be severely disappointed by him and who he turns out to be. Literally down to the name he lied about. When complicated family dynamics allows him to stay on the ranch, she is left having to work with him.
Things might have been okay, if only there were no more Poletti's to show up.
But then... one more does.
And he just might be the worst of them all.